
Tera gold cheap- what are you waiting for

Thank you Genele for fighting with me for Tera Online Gold many combined hours this week to make sure we get the best possible system changes that we can. Thank you for pushing me away from the easy choices to make sure this is done right. This work would not be possible without your tireless efforts and passion for the game we all care about so much. I'm sorry it takes me so long to understand the big picture.

Kintaii Edit! Couple of quick things this week - First off, we wanted to mention the player-run London AO Gathering that will be going down on July 16th this year; there's already quite a few people expressing interest, and for those of you who can't make it to this year's gathering in Montreal we *might* even be able to arrange for a few party favours for those who make it.

Most of the week for Means was taken up in meetings with Genele and Macrosun, making some pretty major decisions regarding the code changes needed for Tera Gold Cheap the Rebalancing. Some of this stuff is pretty major, like "wait, really, we're doing that?" kinda major. Here's a teaser: map navigation as a skill is disappearing, and all RK maps (as well as some upgrades) will be automatically applied to all characters. That's really just the tip of the iceberg, with some other large surprises in store later.

related articles:  http://safemaplestorymesos.blog.fc2.com/blog-entry-45.html

